IEP and Section 504 Team Meetings...and the Law

  • Title:IEP and Section 504 Team Meetings...and the Law
  • Author:Miriam Kurtzig Freedman
  • Publication Date:May 2020
  • Grade Level:K-12
  • ISBN:9781071802199
  • Publisher:Corwin Press

Your quick flipbook guide to IEP and 504 meetings

How can educators and administrators best conduct IEP and Section 504 team meetings, ensure parent participation, and build trust while maintaining a legal, efficient, and effective process? This easy-to-read flipbook answers this question and more by providing practical guidance for educational best practices, all while making the language of law easy to read and understand.

A handy reference guide, this book is designed to be used again and again to practice and refine team meetings—and hopefully take some of the pain out of the process. The flipbook includes:

  • An overview of the purposes and procedures of IEP and 504 meetings
  • A clear delineation of what constitutes a team’s job—and what to avoid
  • Best practices, including language to use and tips to keep meetings on track
  • Helpful do’s and don’ts to facilitate productive and legal meetings that ensure students receive the services they need

Numerous bulleted lists, real world examples, and a detailed appendix, including links to case law, make this handbook an invaluable everyday companion for everyone who participates in IEP and 504 meetings.

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