Professional Learning Communities at Work® and High Reliability Schools™

  • Title:Professional Learning Communities at Work® and High Reliability Schools™ Cultures of Continuous Learning
  • Author:Robert Eaker, Robert J. Marzano
  • Publication Date:February, 14, 2020
  • ISBN:9781949539639
  • Publisher:Solution Tree

Ensure a viable and guaranteed curriculum by merging the HRS model and PLC at Work® process

Dramatically improve schooling by harnessing the collective power of the High-Reliability Schools (HRS) model and the PLC at Work® process. Featuring some of America’s best educators, this anthology includes information, insights, and practical suggestions for both PLCs and HRS. The overarching purpose is to demonstrate how these two approaches complement each other and support educators in their efforts to create a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Use this resource to ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
  • Study the HRS and PLC practices with guidance from numerous practitioners and experts, developing good teachers into great teachers through a culture of accountability.
  • Learn how to keep your school focused on the right work in order to achieve learning for all through a continuous improvement process.
  • Understand how the HRS model can improve success with the PLC process and how the PLC at Work process is the cornerstone of a high-reliability school.
  • Explore the ways in which strong leaders can model and improve the why and how of PLC at Work through a collaborative culture.
  • Explore the five levels of the HRS model.
  • And then learn how to relate each level to the PLC at Work process to improve education in your school or district.

See the other books in The Leading Edge series.

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