Teacher’s Guide to Vocabulary Development Across the Day, A

  • Title:A Teacher’s Guide to Vocabulary Development Across the Day: The Classroom Essentials Series
  • Author:Tanya S. Wright
    Edited by Katie Wood Ray
  • Publication Date:October 2020
  • Grade Level:K-3
  • ISBN:9780325112770
  • Publisher:Heinemann

You probably know that having young children memorize new words or relegating vocabulary instruction to one time of day is not the way to go, but you may not know what else to do to support students’ vocabulary development. In this guide, Tanya Wright shows you how to make word learning more meaningful and engaging as you incorporate teaching about words across the day.

Young children love to learn and use new words; the key is to tap into their natural curiosity and excitement. Tanya shows you how to create opportunities for children to think about and use words in meaningful contexts during read aloud, content-area learning, reading instruction, and writing instruction—all day long! Classroom videos of teachers and children learning about words bring the ideas to life, and a friendly "What We Know" feature highlights important research that informs the practice.

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