Metacognitive Student, The

  • Title:The Metacognitive Student: How to Teach Academic, Social, and Emotional Intelligence in Every Content Area
  • Author:Richard K. Cohen, Deanne Kildare Opatosky, James Savage, Susan Olsen Stevens, Edward P. Darrah
  • Publication Date:March 2021
  • ISBN:9781951075033
  • Publisher:Solution Tree

Empower students to be independent thinkers and adept at self-reflection

What if there was one strategy you could use to support students academically, socially, and emotionally? It exists—and it’s simple, straightforward, and practical. In this results-focused resource, the authors dive deep into the what and how of structured SELf-questioning. Begin using this powerful academic and socioemotional approach in your own classroom to develop students into thriving thinkers who are confident, healthy, adaptive, and resilient.

  • Grasp the severity of the stress and anxiety teachers and students face in schools and how metacognitive SELf-questioning can reduce both.
  • Learn to implement effective SELf-questioning into instruction to foster social-emotional learning (SEL).
  • Review scenarios that depict use of the SELf-questioning strategy in every content area and grade level.
  • Gain insight into how advanced SELf-questioning can achieve transfer of learning in the classroom to any academic or social context.
  • Autonomously customize and create your own SELf-question sets and apply them to any situation within or outside of school.
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