Literacy Is Still Not Enough

  • Title:Literacy Is Still Not Enough: Modern Fluencies for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
  • Author:Nicky Mohan, Ian Jukes, Ryan L. Schaaf
  • Publication Date:February 2021
  • ISBN:9781544381268
  • Publisher:Corwin Press

Modern fluencies provide a platform for authentic teaching, learning, and assessment 
While reading, writing, and arithmetic remain important, they are no longer enough. For learners to thrive, they must move beyond traditional literacies to modern fluencies—the unconscious mental processes that are learned, adapted, and applied in the context of real-world problems and challenges.

In this book, the authors unpack the fluencies (solution, information, creativity, communication, collaboration, and global citizenship) to reflect the relentless social, cultural, and economic shifts of modern times. Practical resources are presented alongside:

  • Authentic Unit Plan Exemplars for each fluency
  • Assessment rubric examples
  • Discussion questions

Learners today must master an entirely different set of essential skills and knowledge needed to succeed than previous generations. This book provides a practical framework for integrating new fluencies into traditional curriculum.

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