Coach It Further

  • Title:Coach It Further: Using the Art of Coaching to Improve School Leadership
  • Author:Peter M. DeWitt
  • Publication Date:September 2018
  • ISBN:9781506399492
  • Publisher:Corwin Press

Practical strategies for building coach-leader relationships.

Leadership is complex work. High quality leadership coaching is one of the most effective methods of professional development for leaders. Coach It Further uses a narrative format to illustrate the important aspects of leadership that leaders and coaches can work on together to achieve their shared goals. It includes:

  • Authentic stories from leaders and students
  • The Collaborative Leadership Growth Cycle, which provides leaders with a starting point and specific steps to take to reach their goals
  • Strategies for the four priorities research shows school leaders are most concerned about: collective efficacy, communication, student and family engagement, and political climate
  • Reflection questions for leadership coaches to use with their leader-coaches
  • Whether you are a seasoned coach, a leader looking to be coached, or a leader looking for guidance on how to coach burgeoning leaders among your staff, this book will build your confidence and provide you with valuable insights and strategies.
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