No More Taking Away Recess and Other Problematic Discipline Practices

  • Title:No More Taking Away Recess and Other Problematic Discipline Practices
  • Author:Gianna Cassetta, Brook Sawyer
  • Publication Date:October 2013
  • Grade Level:K-5
  • ISBN:9780325051147
  • Publisher:Heinemann

Frustrated by ongoing difficult student behavior? You’re not alone: classroom management issues are a leading cause of teacher burnout. But there is a solution. No More Taking Away Recess and Other Problematic Discipline Practices shows how to promote good behavior, address interruptions, and keep everyone moving forward.

“Management and control are not the same,” write teacher and school leader Gianna Cassetta and noted researcher Brook Sawyer. If trying harder to exert control is sapping your energy, watch as they show how to transition away from the roles of disciplinarian or goody dispenser and toward an integrated, professionally satisfying model for classroom management. You’ll find everything you need to get going, including:

  • the rationale for abandoning rewards and consequence tactics
  • research on more developmentally appropriate—and efficient—management
  • a plan that integrates instruction and management to decrease interruptions
  • specific strategies for addressing misbehavior and refocusing on learning goals
  • ways to analyze problematic behaviors and help students connect and stay motivated.

Ease your frustration with classroom management and return dozens of hours lost each year to addressing problematic behaviors. Take a page from No More Taking Away Recess and Other Problematic Discipline Practices and turn your classroom into a community that helps students become their best selves - and helps you rediscover the joy of teaching.


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