Breathing New Life into Book Clubs

  • Title:Breathing New Life into Book Clubs: A Practical Guide for Teachers
  • Author:Sonja Cherry-Paul, Dana Johansen
  • Publication Date:May 2019
  • Grade Level:3-8
  • ISBN: 9780325076850
  • Publisher:Heinemann

Sonja and Dana have both a confession and a challenge to teachers. Managing classroom book clubs can be hard. Real hard. But honestly, is there any better way to get students vested in reading? When book clubs work, don’t they create a culture of reading unlike anything else? One that brings out the very best in our students?

With both infectious enthusiasm and a realistic perspective, Sonja and Dana take on teachers’ doubts and concerns about book clubs, and build a compelling case for their value in every classroom. They provide all the nuts and bolts for creating and managing successful book clubs, including:

  • Dozens of “pitfalls and pathways” minilessons that address common roadblocks
  • Tips for using technology to enhance book club work for deeper student engagement
  • Suggested “book bins” for book club work, organized by grade level and genre.

Whether you’re looking to breathe new life into book clubs or begin implementing them in your classroom, Sonja and Dana give you essential strategies to make book clubs work. “Because book clubs,” they write, “are where students fall in love with reading.”

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